Wetter-Warnungen, Sekulića Brdo

Hohe Temperatur

20.6. 11:00 PM 23:00 – 21.6. 11:00 PM 23:00

Maximum temperature ≥ 35°C Very dangerous weather situations, especially when such weather situation continues for several consecutive days. Unfavourable weather conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy, medical control and meteoropaths. Animals are endangered . Very favourable weather conditions for the occurrence of forest and other fires. Unfavourable conditions for supply of electricity. Problems in traffic.


Niedrige Temperatur

20.6. 11:00 PM 23:00 – 21.6. 11:00 PM 23:00

Minimum temperature lower than -10°C A very dangerous weather situation when continues for several consecutive days. Endangered lives of people and animals, problems in thermal and electric power supply, road and river traffic problems, forestry damages, problems in civil engineering construction works and damages of other weather dependent sectors of economy.


Nächste 24 Stunden

Weltwetter heute

Höchstwerte & Tiefstwerte weltweit

Min Max

Mein Wetter


Wetter in Zentralserbien